Friday, February 3, 2012


Ni siku tano sasa zimekamilika tangu tunze kupewa mafunzo ni kwa namna gani mimi kama mwandishi naweza tumia mtandao katika kazi zangu za kila siku ili niwe mfanisi na kufanya akzi za uhakika.

Mafunzo haya yameandaliwa na Taasisi ya vyombo vya habari vilivyo kusini mwa Afrika MISA-TAN kwa kushirikian na Wizara ya mambo ya nje ya Finland ikiwa na lengo la kuwawezesha watumishi walio katika taasisi za kutoa habari kuwa na uwezo wa kutumia mtandao na kutoa habari  kwa njia ya mtandao ili kufikia hadhira kubwa.

Kikubwa nilichojifunza katika mafunzo haya ni kwa namna mtandao umeweza kubadili jamii na mfumo
mzima wa mawasiliano duniani kwa kiasi kikubwa na takiwmu zinaonyesha kuwa watumiaji wa mtandao ulimwenguni wanaongezeka kila siku jambo ambalo linakuwa ni changamoto katika tasnia ya vyombo vinavyochapisha habari.

Lakini  kikubwa zaidi nilichojifunza kulingana na mada zilizojadiliwa na mwalimu na darasa kwa ujumla, ni kwa namna gani nitakuwa mwandishi wa kisasa kwa kutumia vyanzo mbalimbali vya utoaji wa habari kwa njia ya mtandao.

Vyanzo hivyo vinaweza kuwa vya kitaifa na kimataifa vitaniwezesha kufanya tafiti zangu kwa ufasaha  ikiwa ni pamoja na kupata takwimu na maelezo sahihi ya kile nitakachokuwa nakitafuta kwa wakati huo.

Katika mafunzo haya nimebaini changamoto kubwa inayokabili nchi zinazoendelea ikiwemo Tanzania na kusababisha kuwa nyuma katika masuala ya maendeleo ya sayansi na teknolojia  na  matumizi ya matandao ni mfumo duni wa elimu uliopo nchini,uanzishawaji na teknolojia ambazo watu hawana ujuzi katika kuvitumia na miundo mibovu isyoruhusu kwa urahisi matumizi ya mtandao.

Ukiacha hayo kingine nilichojifunza ni kwa namna gani naweza kutumia mtandao kuchukua habari na maelezo pasipo kunukuuu kazi za watu  kinyume na sheria au idhini kutoka kwa mmiliki wa chanzo hicho cha habari(Plagralism and Copyrights).

Ninachojivunia zaidi ni kupitia mafunzo haya nimeweza kucreate blog yangu ambayo naamini nitaendelea kuifanyia kazi kama njia mojawapo ya kuwasiliana na jamii ndani na nje ya nchi kwa ajili ya kuleta mabadiliko masuala ya jamii,uchumi na siasa
Iwapo atawania urais uchaguzi utakaofanyika mwaka 2015 anaweza kushinda?

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Wangari Maathai was an environmentalist and polital activitist based in Kenya. She was born in 1st April 1940 at Ihithe village in Nyeri District and died on 25th September 2011 after suffering from ovaries cancer for so long.
When her death occurs it was like a candle that stops to shine in a wrong time and left people in dark without knowing what to do especial in the environmental matters.
This is because she was a woman with courage without fear of anything when comes to fight for the right, peace democracy and conserving environment.
Maathai completed  her primary education at St Cecilia Intermediate primary school in the year 1956,then joined to Loreta High School and graduates in 1959.
During her life Maathai was in frontiline in Kenya to make  sure everyone in her country  live in a suitable better environment to support his or her life.
She participate in social, political and environmental issues whereby in the early 1970s, Maathai established The Green Belt Movement under the auspices of the National Council of Women of Kenya.

The Green Belt Movement is an indigenous environmental non-governmental organization based in Nairobi Kenya focusing on environmental conservation by involving in planting trees, community development and capacity building for women so as to let them know their civil, economic and political rights.

The idea of introducing the NGOs was to combat deforestation, restore their main source of fuel for cooking, generate income, and stop soil erosion.
Maathai did a lot to empower women under the umbrella of Green belt movement by provide them skills on  eco-tourism and how to develop themselves economically.

Success she made under the project
Despite of Kenya government calling the Green Belt Movement as a bogus organization and its member, Maathai did not fed up and until now over 40 million trees have been planted since 1977.
30,000 women trained in forestry, food processing, bee-keeping, and other trades that help them earn more income while preserving their lands and resources.
All Kenyan have been motivated and organized to both prevent further environmental destruction and restore that which has been damaged.

Although the government of Kenya did not recorginize and appreciates her work Maathai was an icon internationally by receiving various awards.
In 2004, Wangari  Maathai  becoming the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize for her work with the Green Belt Movement,promoting democracy and peace.

In 1991 she received the Goldman Environmental Prize in San Francisco and the Hunger Project’s Africa Prize for Leadership in London.

Through , Here are some of quotation Wangari  Maathai made during her life time about environment

“The environment and the economy are really both two sides of the same coin. You cannot sustain the economy if you don’t take care of the environment because we know that the resources that we use whether it is oil, energy, land … all of these are the basis in which development happens. And development is what we say generates a good economy and puts money in our pockets. If we cannot sustain the environment, we can’t not sustain ourselves.”.

“It is a bit sad that we have a government in this country that is actually overseeing the destruction of the forest…there comes a time when humanity is called upon to shift to a new level of consciousness… You raise your consciousness to a level where u feel that you must do the right thing. We see governments mistreating its citizens to the fullest.. who is going to question when the law keeper breaks the law?”
“We’re constantly being bombarded by problems that we face and sometimes we can get completely overwhelmed. [But] we should always feel like a hummingbird. I may feel insignificant, but I don’t want to be like the other animals watching the planet go down the drain. I’ll be a hummingbird, I’ll do the best I can.”

On talking about the achievent of The Green Belt revolution the speech she delivered in Oslo, 10 December 2004,  Maathai sadi "[We have planted over 30 million trees that provide fuel, food, shelter, and income to support their children's education and household needs. The activity also creates employment and improves soils and watersheds. Through their involvement, women gain some degree of power over their lives, especially their social and economic position and relevance in the family."

Through all these quotes you can find how Wangari  Maathai was commited herself for Kenyan and  environment conservation so as to create better life .

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

importance of using internet in our media house as a means of communictaion

 Rupert Murdoch is an Austaria American Media Mogul. He is  also  the founder and  Chairman , CEO of Newscorparation, the world's second-largest media conglomerate.

Due to his commitmet and aim of changing the world though the media in  April13, 2005  ,Rupert Murdoch  meet and made a speech to the American Society of Newspaper Editors  where by he talked about different challanges facing print media houses to operate effectively and change the world  as well as giving out the suggestion to overcome them.

His speech was based on the role of newspaper in the new world of digital , Murdoch said in this era of digitally there  are so many challenges facing  print media and some orbituaries are  are introduction of  new technology people do not have reading culture especial young people but also they change a way of accessing information where by most of them use internet.

''We need to realize that the next generation of people in accessing news information ,whether from newspaper or  any other source have differebt set of expectaion about the kind of news they will get,when and  how they will get it,where they will get it from and who they will get from' said Murdoch'

what i have learn in day two internet tarinig to editors

In today day two internet training , Mr Perk taught and show us different website that  we as a journalist can use so as to get facts and findings of different social, political and economic  sensitive issue.

In the lesson also we find there so many website in worldwide,but   Google, yahoo, Facebook, Baidu, Youtube, Wikipedia, blogspot,  windowlive,others are napster, salon,drudge.

After eceiving so many information from Mr Perk who is our training consultant from VIKES The finnish Foundation for Media ,Communication and Development form Finland we as  people working in media houses we need to so much effort  to make sure we use internet proffesionally and effectively so as to change the world.

This is due to statistics show that among top twenty website no media website exist and all those website worldwide , only  few media site are in in the list of sites that has changed the world.
 Those sites are,which owned by Matt Drudge (self journalist) who was the first to reveal Monical lewisky Scandal online,,  and
And  some of media website that show seriousness are Mwananchi Communicatin Limited, BBConline, Capitalfm and The standard.
While in Tanzania The the Global publisher website and Michuzi blog are the best blog.

Also through the training we get statistical data of internet user whereby the website of internet world stats( show  that Asia is the leading continent  with high  rapid growth of people using  internet compared  to  Europe,Africa,North America,Middle East,and Austria.

The statistics also shows that China is the leading country world wide with so many internet user followed by USA,Japan,India,Brazil,Germany,Russia,UK,Nigeria,South Africa, Turkey, Iran, Mexico, Italy, Indonesia, Philippine ,Spain, Argentina and Canada.
While in Africa,  Nigeria is the leading country with so many internet user followed by Egypt, Moroco, South Africa, Algeria, Sudan, Kenya, Tunisia,Uganda and Zimbabwe.
Mr Perk said that situation it depend with total number of population within the particular  country and the nature of their formal  colonialist within this states.

The data showed since 2007 in Kenya,  Nigeria ,Uganda and Rwanda the number of people using internet has rise double each year.

Also in the training we learn how we can use internet in expanding market through e-commerce and the importance of using media streaming in our media houses .

Apart from all those positive impacts of using internet in social, political and economic issue we find that still internet transformation and uses  faces so many challanges  such as Transformation from analogy to digital it is divided.
 Many people do not know how to use digital devices due to poor education system in some of country especial in developing countries.
Other challenges are Culture imperialism where by most of people through internet they change totally their origin life style and adopt foreigner they ignore their own culture system so as to identify themselves once they are in crowd with different nations.
Poor network infrastructure, computer expenses , global spread of information has problem too, problem of rehability of superficiality of information, Plagiarism, IT security concern, spending time in online reduce the physical interaction with friend, family even mental recreation  are other trouble spots of internet uses.
All in all we manage to learn and find out how internet has changed the world and can be useful to journalist.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Welcome to my new opening blogspot , As a journalist i  think this blog will  be a very special way to interact with many and  different people as much as I can within and outside my  county so as to share some important  information in different issues concerning  social,Political and economic issues.

Ur all welcome to post, share and comment  anything that can bring positive changes in the society